Hello TNBUN family, I am Aaron Gray, businessman, retired, and living in Arizona. I wish to share something that has been impactful throughout my life.
After being honorably discharged from the US Marines I joined the Maryland State Police. As a trooper, I met people from all walks of life. At one point I met a young self-made Millionaire that could probably detect my looks of curiosity and he asked me would I like to know how he got to where he was financially. Of course, I said yes. He told me to read a book called “MILLIONAIRE MINDSET” so I did. He later told me to read the book “THINK AND GROW RICH.” So, I read that also. He then came with the book called “FAILING MY WAY TO SUCCESS.” These three books were very interesting, informative and in some places funny. However, they all were expressing a particular theme. It was this…. DON’T QUIT- DON’T GIVE UP AND NEVER STOP DOING WHAT YOU’RE HERE TO DO!!
As a Policeman I was in what most people would say is a “secure” job. (as long as people were committing crimes, I had a job). After two “lines of duty” Killings of fellow officers the term “secure job” totally lost its meaning.
Then my ears were primed and ready to hear the next thing my rich friend would say. He said, “Aaron ONCE YOU GIVE UP YOUR FREEDOM FOR SECURITY, YOU’VE LOST BOTH”! During this pandemic many folks are feeling that in a very painful way. Since that day even if I had a “secure job” I always did something independently and searched for ways to have my money work for me. While policing I learned to reupholster furniture. I started the business and did very well and with the success of that business, I purchased two limousines and started a limo service. Even with that I always did MLM or network marketing opportunities.
As in anything profitable, there were many highs and lows, but those books kept reminding me DON’T QUIT- DON’T GIVE UP AND NEVER STOP DOING WHAT YOU CAME TO DO”! So not quitting is a positive I believe however with every positive also comes a negative. I have made many friends along the way so there are several of even my long-term friends that either hesitate or no longer answer my calls anymore but no worries my mission stays the same.
Even though I am currently retired I am still drawn to an attractive opportunity. These opportunities offer financial freedom. Though I am in a secure position not in need of the money I still hear my friends’ words ringing in my ears. So, I hope repeating those words has the same impact on whoever took the time to read this. ONCE YOU GIVE UP YOUR FREEDOM FOR SECURITY, YOU’VE LOST BOTH!
Making money and helping others make money has been very fulfilling in my life. Keep in mind that there will always be failures on the road to success. I always pray for continued success for TNBUN and the entire TNBUN family across the world.