These words are being written, by me, from everything that caused me to be me, about the greatest woman I have ever known, my mother, Alice Wee Williams. She was born in Greenville South, Carolina July 28, 1920. My mother was a special child, as she was chosen and given much love by Ms. Greene, a woman born a slave. Yes, she was adopted, and mother was given, by her mother a historical emotional-spiritual education, along with teaching her how to read and write.
Looking back at my mother’s life, she was born two years after World War I, 1918, one year before the bloodies summers this country has ever had, 1919, one year after the white people destroyed Black Wallstreet,1921, and nine years before the great depression, 1929. I am writing you these words, because I want you to know who I am and where I come from.
My mother was raised in the south, when Jim-crow walked on every street, in every city, looking out of every door and window, and the ku kluk klan was the accepted white religion. During all those years, plus the 200 years before and the 102 years since, us, we, the African Americans have not been liked and/or appreciated, at any time, in this country. So, if we don’t do something for ourselves, soon, nothing will change.
We, as a people, and as people, must stop, look, and listen at the life we are living and at the life we have been living for too long. We need inspiration and we need it now. I was inspirited by my mother, a woman. I was given life by my mother, a woman. I am a man, and I was taught to be a man, by my mother, a woman. She was and still is the inspiration I live by. It was her observation of life, passed on, that I am living and allowing to guide me. Her mother lived during a time unimaginable to us today, and she told my mother stories of a time we call dark. She was told these stories, to cause the children she would have one day, to be as strong as she had to become, to get through the time in which she had to live.
From those stories and enlightening facts, she lived, as she looked and seen, listened, and heard, and understood through a lifetime of pain and suffering, the truth that had to be passed on to me; she attached a prayer. She prayed I would also pass on the lessons she learned, from listening to the meaning of the words transmitted on the wings of the wind. This great woman, who is my mother, now and for always, I was taught to look just a little further at a thing, that was said to have two sides. Because if it has two sides, it also has a top and bottom, and may be, even an inside as well. So, you must understand, with words you can tell the truth, or you can tell a lie. Thus, this you must remember; “the words that you say are not what you mean, but that what you mean, are in the words that you say.” Therefore, I will ask you to listen to the meaning of these words.
For too long, humanity has gotten it incorrect, when it come to the position of power of the sexes. It is she, the female, the woman, the women; as in mothers, wives, and all other grammatical members of their gender, that occupies a one-step higher rung on the ladder of humanity. We are in trouble as a species, because of the intellectual ignorance of the man in mankind, and the female gender failure to exercise the innate powers bestowed upon them by God, from birth. The female gender, in some kind of way, is the inspirational and/or motivational force behind almost everything a man does. He wants to be the best of the best, not for himself, but to attract she with high esteem, to be envied by his peers. Men do what they do for the approval of the opposite sex. They want to be honored, so all will look up to him, not down on him, or to either side because they are on equal ground. Man is as he is and will always be as he is because he is full of the fear, she will reject him. The man in mankind is full of fear and confusion, and has been ever since he recreated himself, from the animal God created him to be, into his own image of what he is not, god on earth.
It is time for the sleep giant in the female gender to awaken, to make the present better and build a meaningful future for the many coming generations. She, the female’s, in mankind, must open their holistic existences to make tomorrow come. They, who are females, must stop talking and start acting out their words. There are tens of thousands of female groups and organizations around the world; and hundreds of movements; with all these groups talking, and seeking the same things, females are still looked upon globally, as second-class citizens. The women of the world must come together and do one thing, then do another, and another. They must inspire one another emotionally and spiritually. There is a reason why there are two sexes, to make one complete species, and if one half is not doing its job, the whole species falls. The man in mankind is not doing their job and painfully, neither are the females. Thus, there, and notwithstanding, humanity is suffering and rapidly becoming a failing species. If the global female does not come together, the question to be asked, is the answer we will receive.
A change has got to come, and it must come from the women of the world coming together as one unified body. The women of the world must inspire themselves. They are mentally strong and possess an emotional strength, that exudes toughness with a feminine touch. Women have always motivated men to achieve, but they had no idea what to do with power. Now it’s time to motivate the women of the world, to take an authoritative role in running things. We know of two world wars, but there have been others, when those conquering, thought they were conquering the known world, to them, a world war. A change has got to come. The will power of the woman must step forward. Her maternal love for the life of her mate, family, community, and the perpetuity of our species, must be the change we change to.
Everyone reading these words, were brought into this world by a woman, that includes females and males. That woman, at one time in your life, was all you knew and all you wanted to know. She taught you to be you, as she hoped you would teach your children. But somewhere down the line something went wrong, and this something was called “society.” So, the lesson my mother’s mother taught her from 150 years ago, and she taught me in the 1950s, has gone the way of the Dodo. I write you these words in “The National Black Unity News,” so I know who I am writing to. For too long have we been talking about getting together, but we have not been saying the right things or doing the right things, to achieve that goal. First you must look back at our history, so you will see how we got to where we are. Once you look and look closely, you will see it is the Black Woman who has brought us this far, and if we want to go further, it will be her who take us there. So, I am asking you to reach out your hand, and walk with my sisters, as they lead us to the promise land. It is she and she alone, who must awaken from a forced sleep. It is she who must see the light in the dark, to lead us into the future we will personally build. We, with her assistance, must start erecting our history today.
For so many years, that includes modern day, the Black Woman, with her unspoken majestic presence, demonstrated a power over her male captives, that he could not comprehend. Her coercive influence got her and her family favors, that never could have been acquired by the Black Man during those times. She and she alone, with her influential femininity, eased the burden for her and her family, including her man. The power of the Black Woman was once taciturnly legendary, but now she must change. She must chance because it is she, who must come together, to make the change, that will change it all, for us as we are and for our future.
I must apologize for digressing from the story of my mother, but that which I had to say about her was then, and this is now. We must deal with today, as we move into tomorrow and the future for the coming generations. We must inspire ourselves, by exercising our ability to motivate others to act positive towards and for one another. I am a man, and I was taught to be the man I am today by my mother. She taught me a lot about life and living, during times that made me cry. I am who and what I am because of my mother. Many of the lessons she taught me are written in the book, “52 Weeks, Words of Inspiration A Book for the Female Gender” with her name as the author. What she taught me about her life, her mother’s life, and the lives of the Black Women during the 19th century, were not stories you wanted to tell your young children. When I got older and was able to travel to Africa and other countries, I painfully learned all women were treated the same, for hundreds of years no matter the color of their skin. I learned, when it came to the female gender, it was the weakness in the minds of men, that was the problem. So, no matter where, what color, educational level, or financial status, women are looked upon as second-class citizens. So, I say again. The global female needs to do one thing to be inspired, to be motivated, to start moving together as one, and that one thing is read the book written to you and for you, “52 Week, Words of Inspiration a Book for the Female Gender.”
Just for you…