Opportunity, I got involved with Primerica for two reasons, I was living paycheck to paycheck and I was working hard building someone else’s dream: I now get to build a business that I can leave behind to my children, I get to get up every day with unlimited income, I get to help others make their dream a reality. People hear the name Primerica and think instantly oh no it’s a scam… what scam do you know that help families have the right type of income protection, show families a plan if they die too soon or if they live a long life. Help families invest and not only help them but teach them how to put a plan in place for others we are licensed by the state we live in and able to get our license in any other states. Primerica is a gold mine… we have had 4 African American women in the last year of the pandemic go over a million dollars in income… tell me can you go on your job and achieve that in 12 months? The financial service industry is one of highest paid industries… we all need to learn how money work; we work for it every day why not get it working for us.
This past weekend I witnessed a coworker signing his contract for Regional Vice President. When you rejoice in the happiness for others, and you do what’s right for people God will always make sure you are blessed… this company have been a blessing for so many people I know… One of the ways I help families is through life insurance. I was blessed to help a family with life insurance a few years back… two months after I wrote the policy the son past from an asthma attack… he was 10 years old… the mother had only made one payment at that point. My Primerica company paid that claim of 15,000 to the mother…. The mother called me and said I cannot believe they are paying the claim… I told her we had on the policy that he had asthma so they are doing what is right… as long as the client tells the truth we will pay out the claim…I don’t know any other company that would have done that for a policy that was only enforce for two months.
We have a young lady in my office who work for the federal government full time and with Primerica part time… because of her Primerica income she was able to pay off her mother’s home and send her daughter to college paid in full without any student loans.
Personally, Primerica has given me the freedom to go where I want to go and do what I want to do without having a boss over my head. Right now, as I write this article, I am in New Jersey taking care of my mother for the weekend. I am the baby of 8 children, but I have the most flexibility. That I owe to God and my Primerica business.
People come join us for different reasons, and all of them are a blessing.
So please come and sit down with us and see what we are really about. Understand why we really recruit… is it to build a huge team… is it to reach the masses … is it for security, is it so that a person like you could have an opportunity to leave a legacy for your family?
Why did Sam Walton open Walmart … why are there so many Best Buy’s… why are there so many cleaning businesses… GOD gave each of us a talent and we are to multiply it… not bury it in the sand…
HELP the multitudes …
Thank you for taking time to read this article
Lila Arthur
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