The world has turned upside down with politicians fighting against the very democracy that built this country. Government mandating vaccinations on a pandemic they helped create. City Hall and other government facilities are being kept closed from the very taxpayers that fund them. Even churches are more afraid than they have Faith and have remained closed even though sanctions have been lifted. Divorce is at an all time high and LBGT is strongarming those with a Traditional mind. Women are upset that they can no longer abort the innocent who have a right to life. What can we do as business owners and as Christian Entrepreneurs? Remain steady and consistent in our Faith and our integrity in this new upside-down world.
Re-focus on your relationships with God and man. In this new year of promise, do not take old negatives from past relationships. Meditate and ask God for a new vision. Try new strategies. Retain your reliability, integrity and standards of business that sets you apart from the rest. It may be time to consider forming partnerships that can ease some of your professional stress. Remember two are better than one.
Scripture say: “The race is not given to the swift, nor the strong, but he that endureth until the end the same shall be saved. Get to your finish line, run well, and reap your reward. Run consistently! Run steady! Go against the grain when the world around you are collapsing …You remain constant. Your consistency will be rewarded in 2022.
Run with purpose! Lead with purpose! Live with purpose!
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