At African Network Television (ANTV), My Africa is Your Africa! ANTV is Africa’s First Global TV Network, the Only Place for all Persons of African Descent from around the world.
African Network Television broadcasts globally from Gainesville Florida, United States featuring breaking news from across the African continent and lively discussion on current affairs, politics, health, money, cultural lifestyle reflecting the global African experience for all people of African descent.
ANTV bridges current media gap on Africa through trustworthy and reliable Africans led discussion on Africa; by engaging Africans in reshaping Africa’s image and by making it possible for Africans to take a lead in telling Africa’s story.
With enormous natural economic wealth and the abundance of numerous untapped resources, ANTV sheds unprecedented spotlight on Africa’s role on the global future while portraying the numerous highly skilled people of African descent that are crafting the global economic future.
ANTV Network provides reliable central platform for serious conversations on real issues, prospects, challenges, and concerns of both the continent of Africa and all people of its descent.
ANTV’s core audience spans the globe, and includes all people of African descent, foreign investors to Africa, and members of general public with interests on Africa and its beautiful culture.
African Network Television – ANTV visions
“a new Africa”
African Network TV is Africa’s first global TV network; the #1 place for reaching all people of African descent.
At ANTV, my Africa is your Africa!
ANTV mission is clear and specific; as Africa’s first global TV network and the only place for reaching all people of African descent. ANTV missions are as follows:
To provide a global media platform for Africa’s affairs and concerns of all people of African descent.
To bridge the current Africa’s media gap through trustworthy and reliable African – led discussion on Africa.
To illuminate self-perspectives of Africans by re-engaging and educating the world about the real Africa.
To provide a reliable platform for serious conversation on real issues, prospects, and challenges of Africa and all people of its descent.
To re-brand Africa by shedding unprecedented spotlight on Africa’s role on the global future; and highly skilled Africans who crafting global future.
To showcase the cultural richness and uniqueness of the great continent of Africa and its people.
To widen global market horizons for investors with Africa’s interest by highlighting the abundant untapped resources and opportunities the continent possess.
Why advertise globally with ANTV
There are many reasons why ANTV stands out in its industry. We are proud of our service because we believe in nothing but excellent. Our partners that advertise with ANTV enjoy global name recognition secondary to unique market penetration of ANTV branding to Africa and beyond. We are committed to helping to expand the market horizons for business with Africa’s interest whether within or outside of the continent; and we take pride in surpassing customer expectations.
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The “Forgotten Communities Program’ is the cornerstone of the Pan African Cultural Heritage Institute and the National Cultural Heritage Tourism Center, Inc. The program is a major program under the National Cultural Heritage Initiative and serves as the catalyst for the promotion and marketing of the culture, heritage and the communities of people of African Descent.
The program was created and developed to support the efforts of chambers of commerce, economic and community development entities address economic and job creation issues in disadvantaged communities. The leadership at the local level is comprised of entrepreneurs, artist, educators, government, and community activists/leaders. The goal by all is to access the viability of creating a tourism destination, by establishing an arts cluster as an attraction. Art that focuses on the cultural history and people of the city and community, told in paint, with emphasis on faith and tradition.
The program has proved itself as very successful and has allowed an industry to take hold and renewed interest in historic Black communities. With the support of talented painters and performing artists, the program has been able to spiritually recapture the people’s memories and visions and dreams of the people that resided there, outside of the view of mainstream America. Forgotten Communities is not Black Art, it is a spiritual movement, to showcase a people of dignity and neighborhoods that are a part of us. Only through the arts, can the spiritual moment and importance of a culture be recreated and conveyed to another culture.
The Forgotten Communities Program is a ‘call to all artists’, particularly those of African descent, to begin painting their visions and memories of their culturally significant and historic communities. The National Cultural Heritage Tourism Center was created to allow those images to be shared with the world and rekindle an interest in these forgotten communities. The knowledge required to sustain the community and help it grow is provided by the research and teaching of the fellows and members of the Pan African Cultural Heritage Institute.
The National Cultural Heritage Tourism Center and the Pan African Cultural Heritage Institute are poised to share their knowledge and resources to assist in ultimate goal being to create artistic images and performances that will cause a nation to think and consider redeveloping these cultural treasures for future generations reeducate others and ourselves on the value and importance of our culture in America and the Diaspora.